Go multifuel. Go green.
WTS multifuel burners equal maximum energy flexibility, while simultaneously decarbonizing safely. We are a leading supplier of multifuel burner systems. Our Swedish-made products can handle wood powder, biogas, and bio-oil in the same burner – even at the same time if you prefer. We have been in the business since 1989 – and have the references to prove it. Our customers combined have reduced their emissions of CO2 by over 142,000,000 tonnes. If you want to contribute, go multifuel – and go green.
Switch to Bio

Wood pellets and powder are the strongest contenders for demanding applications, proven to meet technical performance criteria. With a proven track record, wood pellet-based systems have been meticulously optimized for industrial use over the past decade. Pellets will satisfy all your requirements by:
- Utilizing fuels that are readily available and secured for the long term.
- Having a competitive Life Cycle Cost (LCC), including investment, operations, and fuel costs.
- Being reliable and proven to meet technical performance criteria.

Our solutions

Multifuel burner
Multifuel burners up to 50 MW

Multifuel asphalt system
Efficient systems for the asphalt industry

Multifuel drying system
Flexible systems for the drying industry

Multifuel for industries
Fast systems with high efficiency

Multifuel for district heating
Smart systems without emissions